Brad never forgets anything. You can mention something in passing and 3 weeks later he'll bring it up like it just happened. It makes it hard to placate him with empty promises! If you read him a book once or twice he will memorize most of it and the next time you read it you can leave out a word or something and he will fill it in. He keeps Joe on his toes, because Joe likes to try to get away with skipping pages to make bed time go faster.

Brad has an amazing imagination. He always wants to play pretend. When we're in the car in the mornings he'll make up characters for us to be and scenes to act out. One of his favorites is to pick characters from the movie "Cars" but he always gets to be Lightening McQueen and I have to be Mater. On Friday night we had my best friend, Laura, and her family over to watch the football game (Go Utes! 13-0!) and Brad played all evening with Laura's daughter Ella who is 4. They were playing house and puppies and Brad really enjoyed having someone else to pretend with. The next morning he wanted Joe and I to play house with him and said I was the sister and Joe was the dad. I asked him who was the mom and he said she died. I said that was very sad and he said, "It's ok, she went to Kevin." Joe and I were laughing so hard it hurt. I told him it was "Heaven" with an "H" but he kept calling it Kevin.

And just for getting all the way through my post here are a few church related Brad-isms for you -
A couple of weeks ago we brought Brad into the older primary group for singing time to let him start getting used to it. He seemed to enjoy it, but the moment he got back to the nursery class he walked up to his teacher, Amy, and said "Those kids were Terrible!" I'm not sure if he was referring to their behaviour or their singing, but either way it was funny.
Last week he went up to the children's music director and said, "Sister Culford, if I had super powers I would make you disappear!" Luckily she has a very good sense of humor and didn't take it personally.
Brad is the only kid his age in our ward, so he was the only one to move up this week (thanks a lot Jen & Stephen for moving!!!). Since it's silly to have a class of 1 he will be in with the kids a year older than he is, but I think it will be ok since he already knows most of them and is good friends with a couple. He really enjoyed it today and I'm optimistic that it's going to be a really good year for him. I just wish he wouldn't grow up so dang fast.
Brad is the only kid his age in our ward, so he was the only one to move up this week (thanks a lot Jen & Stephen for moving!!!). Since it's silly to have a class of 1 he will be in with the kids a year older than he is, but I think it will be ok since he already knows most of them and is good friends with a couple. He really enjoyed it today and I'm optimistic that it's going to be a really good year for him. I just wish he wouldn't grow up so dang fast.
He looks so grown up!
So, are he and Ella betrothed yet?
Only secretly. It works out so nicely because Stockton and Lucy can be married too...or is that weird?
I feel so sad because Kennedy missed moving up to Primary by 12 days!! One more year of nursery! Major Bummer! Brad is such a sweetheart- Kenna will miss playing with him in nursery.
Wow now it is grandpa and grandma's time to attend talks and primary program we love our grandkids
Brad is such a little gentleman! My girls love playing with him! You need to have another baby so you can come every week to craft morning! I guess we need to just get together more often!
Sorry, if we could have taken all of you with us we would have. Joseph is now in a class of 9 sunbeams. And in his first day as a sunbeam he managed to fall asleep in the middle of sharing time and leak out of his diaper on to his teacher's lap. We need to get that boy potty trained. But he had fun. I'm glad that Brad is doing so well. We need to get together sometime soon. Joseph keeps asking for Brad.
He is so cute! And funny. Does he go for older women? I have a pretty adorable 4 year old. We better be careful though, between his imagination and Millie's obsession with boys and kissing, we might have a problem on our hands.
Ok, this is going to be my newest thing to say to people at work who are getting on my nerves. I shall screw up my face and say in my best Brad voice, "If I had super powers, I would make you disappear." I can't wait for the next person to bug me....
I only feel priveleged that I am the Amy in this story, and that he really did say that! =) I am so glad I witnessed the super powers comment too, it is really hard to keep a straight face at him when he says things like that! Hopefully he won't wish his sunbeam teacher away too! =)
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