So, I've decided that it's much easier to upload pictures to Facebook than to Blogger. I hate how it loads them backwards. Anyone with me? I had these up on Facebook on Monday and am just getting them here now!
Anyway, back to the point - We had a fabulous birthday party for Lucy on Saturday. I was a bit worried that it might rain, but it stayed just overcast enough to keep it cool and everything was perfect. We served
Frito Pie and of course cake and ice cream. Here is a picture overload, enjoy!
The backyard all all decorated and ready.

Grandma Tibbs with Lucy and cousin Lincoln.

Lucy and uncle Alex.

Cousin Chelise, Grammy Lynne, Lucy & Grandpa Larson

All the kids got to decorate a foam visor with stickers which was good because not too much later Brad dumped a bottle of bubbles over Corbin's head and the visor kept it out of his eyes!

We had a lot of good friends that came - in the picture are Jen, Shannon, April & Shawn.

Lucy and Grandpa Larson

Lucy's cake which was made by Julie Hoskins from our church. It was SOOOOO good. You don't get that from Costco.

Lucy Loved the cake too. She wasn't quite sure what to think at first.

But then she realized it tasted really good.

Good enough to rub into her hair (it's her highest compliment).

This is one of my favorite pictures ever. "So good I'm going to lick the plate!"

Lucy enjoyed opening presents and did not enjoy Brad's help.

She was very curious.

And even shared her toys with Great-Grandpa Burnett.

With the party winding down cousin Hailey and Lucy spent some time on the slide.

Overall I think everyone had a really good time. Thanks to everyone who came and especially to April for taking the cake pictures!!