The trail we took was beautiful, but it was not "easy". It had a lot of switchbacks at the beginning which took us straight up the face of the mountain and it pretty much continued uphill from there. I have to say that even though the hike was far more difficult than we had planned, we still had a great time. Brad was amazing. He walked the whole way with very little complaining. He did turf it a few times, but with no major injuries and nothing could damage his positive attitude. Lucy rode in the back-pack and was a trooper too. We hiked for about an hour and a half in the fresh, clean air and I think all of us felt great afterward. Here are some pictures for you!
This is the view of the canyon from about half way through our hike. You can just see the city where the mountains meet in the middle. You can also see how the air gets dirtier the further down you get. :(

Here's Lucy chilling in the back-pack. It looks like she's blowing a kiss, but really she's stuffing her face with goldfish crackers.

Brad leading the way. This was my view for most of the hike. He really did an amazing job and I was really proud of him.

Wow I'm impressed that Lucy did so well and in the backpack and WTG Brad!! Marcus wouldn't have walked the whole time, lol
Beautiful view! Looks like you had a great time!
So glad you didn't have a reaction! That wouldn't be good! I don't know how people do the backpack thing either! I think I'd fall backwards or just be super sore from leaning forwards so I don't fall backwards! Fun times! I am going to get in shape and hike! Well, one day I might!
Wyatt loves the back pack as well. He usually falls asleep. Awesome hiking with kids. We haven't been brave enough to do that yet, or maybe we haven't had time. Hmm . . .
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