Me: no, vote.
Brad: boat?
Me: no vvvvvvvote.
Brad: What's vote?
How do you explain voting to a 3 year old? Joe tried by explaining that once every 4 years we get to have our say in who we want to be the president of our country. Brad sounded appropriately impressed and stopped asking questions.
When we arrived at the community center where the voting was taking place Brad promptly jumped out of the car, put his hands on his hips and said, "OK! Where's the president?"
I guess we didn't explain it quite as well as we thought.
I don't think that most adults even get it. You're fine. :)
That is cute! I love hearing those cute stories. That reminds me, I need to vote. Can you still do early voting?
Yes - you can vote early today and tomorrow and the Rec Center. 12 - 7 today, 12 - 5 tomorrow. I think you can vote Saturday and Monday at the county offices. DO IT! :)
At least he cares what voting is! That's more than I can say about a lot of adults I know:)
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