On May 21 Lucy Mae turned 3 years old. It sounds cliché but I can’t believe how fast it has gone. It seems like she should still be just a baby, but she’s a feisty little girl with all the attitude and personality I should have expected from a Tibbs girl.
Lucy is such a fun and energetic girl. She sings all the time, making up songs as she plays. Her favorite composition is a song she made up to say sorry where she gets a very serious look on her face and sings very quietly, “I’m sorry I was mean” three or four times. It’s very hard not to laugh. She loves to color and to paint. I hardly have room to display all her artwork. She has a soft baby doll she calls “Baby Lu” that she loves and takes all over the place. Her favorite color is red and she likes to point out things that are her favorite color as well as everyone else’s in the family. She adores her big brother and wants to do everything with him. Every morning she asks if Brad has school and is so disappointed if she hears that he does and they’ll be apart for 3 hours that day. Most of the time Brad is very patient with her but when they fight she holds her own. She’s also very smart and can spell her name, count to 10 (more sometimes) in English and Spanish and knows many of her letters.
Her aunt Jo-Elle and cousin Hailey gave her a darling tutu and t-shirt for her birthday and Lucy wanted her picture taken so we went to the park for a little photo shoot, and here she is at 3 years old.