Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lucy's Birthday Party

So, I've decided that it's much easier to upload pictures to Facebook than to Blogger. I hate how it loads them backwards. Anyone with me? I had these up on Facebook on Monday and am just getting them here now!

Anyway, back to the point - We had a fabulous birthday party for Lucy on Saturday. I was a bit worried that it might rain, but it stayed just overcast enough to keep it cool and everything was perfect. We served Frito Pie and of course cake and ice cream. Here is a picture overload, enjoy!

The backyard all all decorated and ready.

Grandma Tibbs with Lucy and cousin Lincoln.
Lucy and uncle Alex.

Cousin Chelise, Grammy Lynne, Lucy & Grandpa Larson

All the kids got to decorate a foam visor with stickers which was good because not too much later Brad dumped a bottle of bubbles over Corbin's head and the visor kept it out of his eyes!

We had a lot of good friends that came - in the picture are Jen, Shannon, April & Shawn.

Lucy and Grandpa Larson

Lucy's cake which was made by Julie Hoskins from our church. It was SOOOOO good. You don't get that from Costco.

Lucy Loved the cake too. She wasn't quite sure what to think at first.

But then she realized it tasted really good.

Good enough to rub into her hair (it's her highest compliment).

This is one of my favorite pictures ever. "So good I'm going to lick the plate!"

Lucy enjoyed opening presents and did not enjoy Brad's help.

She was very curious.

And even shared her toys with Great-Grandpa Burnett.

With the party winding down cousin Hailey and Lucy spent some time on the slide.
Overall I think everyone had a really good time. Thanks to everyone who came and especially to April for taking the cake pictures!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Lucy Mae

At 2:30 this morning Lucy turned 1 year old. It has flown by, but that's to be expected. I can honestly say that Lucy has been a joy. She was such a mellow baby and very rarely cried. I remember asking her doctor at one of her first few appointments if something was wrong with her because she just never cried. By the time she was 6 months old she found her voice, but she's more likely to use it to sing and laugh than to cry. I will say I have seen her dramatic streak. If she falls or gets bumped she will look around to make sure someone is watching before she bothers to cry. She's learning and growing every day and I can only hope the next year will be as fun and challenging as this one has been.

I did a little photo shoot with her last week to get some pictures for her party invitations. She hated being in the grass and tried to keep every body part possible off the ground.

It helped when daddy lifted her up in the air and made her laugh.

I got to snap the best blackmail picture. It doesn't get more lady like than this:

I had to take about 50 shots, but it's totally worth it when you get the perfect one.
Happy Birthday baby girl!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Lucy is walking!

It's official, Lucy is walking. Last night she took about 3 steps between Joe and I and I thought maybe it was fluke, but tonight she was going back and forth like crazy taking up to 5 or 6 steps. My grandfather was disappointed that she didn't do it by the 10 month mark like he did, but I think 11.5 months is just fine.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Uninspired Blogger

I'm not unhappy...just uninspired. I don't feel like writing. I knew this would happen. I actually thought it would happen a whole lot earlier. I thought I would fail at blogging right from the beginning, but I've made it several months.

Just so you don't worry, things are good for the Tibbs clan. I had an amazing birthday which consisted of breakfast in bed, a facial, a pedicure, getting my hair cut and colored and a wonderful dinner with Joe at The Melting Pot. It was the best birthdays I've had in a long time (maybe ever). Today has been a very nice mother's day although we just had a massive battle getting Brad into bed. Some nights are better than others.

Lucy will be 1 in a couple of weeks. I can't believe it. She's almost walking. She could if she really wanted to, but most of the time if you try to get her to stand she just sits down. She has like 7 teeth now and gives the cutest toothy grins.

I got accepted to another Creative Team for digital scrapbooking. I'm now part of the team for Un-Leash-ed-Scraps. Leasha is one of my favorite designers and I'm so glad to be able to work with her kits.

Here's a page I did with her kit Uplifted:

And with her newest kit Monkeying Around which will be released this week:

Oh, and I got to do my first blog project for someone else. Pop over to A Little Red Ladybug and visit my friend Adrienne to see the header I did for her. She's a great writer so you'll want to do some reading while you're there.

Anyway, I'll try to be back soon with new pictures of the kids and more about what they're up to. Until then, take care!